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Clone Mass | Clones in CloneSet | Parameter Count | Clone Similarity | Syntax Category [Sequence Length] |
48 | 2 | 6 | 0.977 | switch_section |
Clone Abstraction | Parameter Bindings |
Clone Instance (Click to see clone) | Line Count | Source Line | Source File |
1 | 48 | 2363 | src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/Generated/SqlGenerator.cs |
2 | 48 | 2411 | src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/Generated/SqlGenerator.cs |
| ||||
case 3: // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:163:4: ^( ALIAS_REF ( . )* ) { Match(input, ALIAS_REF, FOLLOW_ALIAS_REF_in_selectAtom771); if (state.failed) return retval; if ( input.LA(1) == Token.DOWN) { Match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return retval; // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:163:16: ( . )* do { int alt30 = 2; int LA30_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA30_0 >= ALL && LA30_0 <= BOGUS))) { alt30 = 1; } else if ( (LA30_0 == UP)) { alt30 = 2; } switch (alt30) { case 1: // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:163:16: . { MatchAny(input); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto loop30; } } while (true); loop30: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop30' has no statements Match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return retval; } } break; |
| ||||
case 4: // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:164:4: ^( SELECT_EXPR ( . )* ) { Match(input, SELECT_EXPR, FOLLOW_SELECT_EXPR_in_selectAtom781); if (state.failed) return retval; if ( input.LA(1) == Token.DOWN) { Match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return retval; // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:164:18: ( . )* do { int alt31 = 2; int LA31_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA31_0 >= ALL && LA31_0 <= BOGUS))) { alt31 = 1; } else if ( (LA31_0 == UP)) { alt31 = 2; } switch (alt31) { case 1: // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:164:18: . { MatchAny(input); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto loop31; } } while (true); loop31: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop31' has no statements Match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return retval; } } break; |
| |||
case [[#variable54145360]]: // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:164:4: ^( SELECT_EXPR ( . )* ) // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:163:4: ^( ALIAS_REF ( . )* ) { Match(input, [[#variable541452e0]], [[#variable54145280]]); if (state.failed) return retval; if (input.LA(1) == Token.DOWN) { Match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return retval; // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:164:18: ( . )* // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:163:16: ( . )* do { int [[#variable54145220]]= 2; int [[#variable54145160]]= input.LA(1); if ((( [[#variable54145160]]>= ALL && [[#variable54145160]]<= BOGUS))) { [[#variable54145220]]= 1; } else if (( [[#variable54145160]]== UP)) { [[#variable54145220]]= 2; } switch ( [[#variable54145220]]) { case 1: // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:164:18: . // /Users/Steve/Projects/NHibernate/Branches/2.1.x/nhibernate/src/NHibernate/Hql/Ast/ANTLR/SqlGenerator.g:163:16: . { MatchAny(input); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto [[#variable541450e0]]; } } while (true); [[#variable541450e0]]: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop31' has no statements // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop30' has no statements Match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return retval; } } break; |
CloneAbstraction |
Parameter Index | Clone Instance | Parameter Name | Value |
1 | 1 | [[#54145360]] | 4 |
1 | 2 | [[#54145360]] | 3 |
2 | 1 | [[#541452e0]] | SELECT_EXPR |
2 | 2 | [[#541452e0]] | ALIAS_REF |
3 | 1 | [[#54145280]] | FOLLOW_SELECT_EXPR_in_selectAtom781 |
3 | 2 | [[#54145280]] | FOLLOW_ALIAS_REF_in_selectAtom771 |
4 | 1 | [[#54145220]] | alt31 |
4 | 2 | [[#54145220]] | alt30 |
5 | 1 | [[#54145160]] | LA31_0 |
5 | 2 | [[#54145160]] | LA30_0 |
6 | 1 | [[#541450e0]] | loop31 |
6 | 2 | [[#541450e0]] | loop30 |