Formatted Version of Obfuscated C Contest Winner

This page contains an Obfuscated C Contest Winner, and its C Formatted Version.

Obfuscated C Contest Winner

This actual flight simulator program, although extremely cute, is a maintenance programmer's nightmare. Consider it as an extreme example of completely unformatted source code. (The authors of this program are; you need the X11 libraries and must read the directions at their web site if you really want to compile and run this).

#include                                     <math.h>
#include                                   <sys/time.h>
#include                                   <X11/Xlib.h>
#include                                  <X11/keysym.h>
                                          double L ,o ,P
                                         s[999],E,h= 8,I,
                                        1E3,r,t, u,v ,W,S=
                                        a,B,A=32.2,c, F,H;
                                        int N,q, C, y,p,U;
                                       Window z; char f[52]
                                    ; GC k; main(){ Display*e=
 XOpenDisplay( 0); z=RootWindow(e,0); for (XSetForeground(e,k=XCreateGC (e,z,0,0),BlackPixel(e,0))
; scanf("%lf%lf%lf",y +n,w+y, y+s)+1; y ++); XSelectInput(e,z= XCreateSimpleWindow(e,z,0,0,400,400,
0,0,WhitePixel(e,0) ),KeyPressMask); for(XMapWindow(e,z); ; T=sin(O)){ struct timeval G={ 0,dt*1e6}
; K= cos(j); N=1e4; M+= H*_; Z=D*K; F+=_*P; r=E*K; W=cos( O); m=K*W; H=K*T; O+=D*_*F/ K+d/K*E*_; B=
sin(j); a=B*T*D-E*W; XClearWindow(e,z); t=T*E+ D*B*W; j+=d*_*D-_*F*E; P=W*E*B-T*D; for (o+=(I=D*W+E
*T*B,E*d/K *B+v+B/K*F*D)*_; p<y; ){ T=p[s]+i; E=c-p[w]; D=n[p]-L; K=D*m-B*T-H*E; if(p [n]+w[ p]+p[s
]== 0|K <fabs(W=T*r-I*E +D*P) |fabs(D=t *D+Z *T-a *E)> K)N=1e4; else{ q=W/K *4E2+2e2; C= 2E2+4e2/ K
 *D; N-1E4&& XDrawLine(e ,z,k,N ,U,q,C); N=q; U=C; } ++p; } L+=_* (X*t +P*M+m*l); T=X*X+ l*l+M *M;
  XDrawString(e,z,k ,20,380,f,17); D=v/l*15; i+=(B *l-M*r -X*Z)*_; for(; XPending(e); u *=CS!=N){
                                   XEvent z; XNextEvent(e ,&z);
                                         N-LT? UP-N?& E:&
                                         J:& u: &h); --*(
                                         DN -N? N-DT ?N==
                                         RT?&u: & W:&h:&J
                                          ); } m=15*F/l;
                                          c+=(I=M/ l,l*H
                                          +I*M+a*X)*_; H
                                           )/S; K=F*M+(
                                           h* 1e4/l-(T+
                                           a=2.63 /l*d;
                                           X+=( d*l-T/S
                                            *(.19*E +a
                                            )-M* v +A*
                                            Z)*_; l +=
                                            K *_; W=d;
                                            "%5d  %3d"
                                            "%7d",p =l
                              O*57.3)%0550,(int)i); d+=T*(.45-14/l*
                             X-a*130-J* .14)*_/125e2+F*_*v; P=(T*(47
                             *I-m* 52+E*94 *D-t*.38+u*.21*E) /1e2+W*
                             179*v)/2312; select(p=0,0,0,0,&G); v-=(
                               )/107e2)*_; D=cos(o); E=sin(o); } }

C Formatted Version

This is the result of using SD's CFormatter tool on the Obfuscated C contest winner. A programmer might actually be able to work on this version.

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
double L, o, P, _ = dt, T, Z, D = 1, d, s[999], E, h = 8, I, J, K, w[999],
       M, m, O, n[999], j = 3.3e-2, i = 1e3, r, t, u, v, W, S = 7.45e1,
       l = 221, X = 7.26, a, B, A = 3.22e1, c, F, H;
int N, q, C, y, p, U;
Window z;
char f[52];
GC k;
  Display * e = XOpenDisplay(0);
  z = RootWindow(e, 0);
  for (XSetForeground(e, k = XCreateGC(e, z, 0, 0), BlackPixel(e, 0));
  scanf("%lf%lf%lf", y + n, w + y, y + s) + 1; y++);
  XSelectInput(e, z = XCreateSimpleWindow(e, z, 0, 0, 400, 400,
               0, 0, WhitePixel(e, 0)), KeyPressMask);
  for (XMapWindow(e, z);; T = sin(O))
      struct timeval G = { 0, dt * 1e6 };
      K = cos(j);
      N = 1e4;
      M += H * _;
      Z = D * K;
      F += _ * P;
      r = E * K;
      W = cos(O);
      m = K * W;
      H = K * T;
      O += D * _ * F / K + d / K * E * _;
      B = sin(j);
      a = B * T * D - E * W;
      XClearWindow(e, z);
      t = T * E + D * B * W;
      j += d * _ * D - _ * F * E;
      P = W * E * B - T * D;
      for (o += (I = D * W + E * T * B, E * d / K * B + v + B / K * F * D) * _; p < y;)
          T = p[s] + i;
          E = c - p[w];
          D = n[p] - L;
          K = D * m - B * T - H * E;
          if (p[n] + w[p] + p[s] == 0 | K < fabs(W = T * r - I * E + D * P) | fabs(D = t * D + Z * T - a * E) > K)
            N = 1e4;
              q = W / K * 4e2 + 2e2;
              C = 2e2 + 4e2 / K * D;
              N - 1e4 && XDrawLine(e, z, k, N, U, q, C);
              N = q;
              U = C;
      L += _ * (X * t + P * M + m * l);
      T = X * X + l * l + M * M;
      XDrawString(e, z, k, 20, 380, f, 17);
      D = v / l * 15;
      i += (B * l - M * r - X * Z) * _;
      for (; XPending(e); u *= CS != N)
          XEvent z;
          XNextEvent(e, & z);
          ++ * ((N = XLookupKeysym(& z.xkey, 0)) - IT ? N - LT ? UP - N ? & E : & J : & u : & h);
          -- * (DN - N ? N - DT ? N == RT ? & u : & W : & h : & J);
      m = 15 * F / l;
      c += (I = M / l, l * H + I * M + a * X) * _;
      H = A * r + v * X - F * l + (E = 1e-1 + X * 4.9 / l, t = T * m / 32 - I * T / 24) / S;
      K = F * M + (h * 1e4 / l - (T + E * 5 * T * E) / 3e2) / S - X * d - B * A;
      a = 2.63 / l * d;
      X += (d * l - T / S * (1.9e-1 * E + a * 6.4e-1 + J / 1e3) - M * v + A * Z) * _;
      l += K * _;
      W = d;
      sprintf(f, "%5d  %3d"
                 "%7d", p = l / 1.7, (C = 9e3 + O * 5.73e1) % 0550, (int) i);
      d += T * (4.5e-1 - 14 / l * X - a * 130 - J * 1.4e-1) * _ / 1.25e4 + F * _ * v;
      P = (T * (47 * I - m * 52 + E * 94 * D - t * 3.8e-1 + u * 2.1e-1 * E) / 1e2 + W * 179 * v) / 2312;
      select(p = 0, 0, 0, 0, & G);
      v -= (W * F - T * (6.3e-1 * m - I * 8.6e-2 + m * E * 19 - D * 25 - 1.1e-1 * u) / 1.07e4) * _;
      D = cos(o);
      E = sin(o);

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C Winner